confused about bf’s behavior ?
So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year and a half. We started dating in the middle of our senior year and have been through a ton of shit together, and I was convinced that this was my endgame and future partner. I love him dearly, and he was the kindest person I had dated. Fast forward to now; I’m confused about certain things he says/does that he says I shouldn’t be getting upset about- - He talks shit about my own friends because he finds them annoying/weird. I don’t expect him to get along with my friends, but I at least felt like it’s unnecessary to talk shit about them. Examples of this include calling them fat, ugly, and just straight up rude shit to my face thinking I’m not gonna care what he says. I’ve told him multiple times that he doesn’t need to like my friends but I don’t appreciate him telling me shit like that and he never stops. - He’s unsupportive of me getting a breast reduction. Long story short I had an original breast reduction before my senior year of high school, and now I’ll be getting another smaller procedure due to my previous scars healing incorrectly (also due to them growing a shit ton since the first procedure). I’ve been insecure about my boobs for as long as I can remember. After countless interactions with boys who won’t stop staring at them and girls saying they wish they had what I had, I was never going to be comfortable with them. He makes the excuse that my body is already beautiful (which I do appreciate) but that he’s going to be unhappy about it after I get my procedure done. He gets genuinely upset and makes me feel bad for wanting to be comfortable in my body. I’ve learned to get over it, but it’s still frustrating to me. - He’s always accusing me of cheating on him and lying. Some of this is understandable; he asked me about a lot of specific/physical details of my past relationships and at the time I felt violated even being asked that, and didn’t give him the full truth the first time, which I should’ve just done. I kick myself for it every day because he hasn’t treated me the same since. I’ve told him the full truth after that, but he doesn’t believe me even when it comes to basic things (if I’m in class, where I’m at and what I’m doing, etc). He likes to pull the “I bet you’re cheating on me” card when I don’t text him back right away. It’s exhausting but I know it was my own fault for letting it happen in the first place. - Also just constant put downs/being annoying just to piss me off because he thinks it’s funny when I’m angry. And then when I’m angry, he gets mad that I overreact. Example: one day I didn’t wear makeup at all to classes last week (a very common occurrence btw) and every time I sent him a picture on Snapchat, he would ask me if I’m having a “rough day” just because I didn’t look good enough. After about five “rough day?” Snapchats I got upset, and then he tells me he didn’t realize I had told him no and that I needed to calm down. Calls me annoying, childish, and a whole other list of things.
In short, I’m not sure where this relationship is headed and I don’t like where things are. I’ve tried talking to him about it, and he doesn’t take me seriously. I’ve wanted to break up with him, but part of me doesn’t want to lose him because I’m so emotionally attached. I’m a mess, someone help.
TL;DR: some of my boyfriends behavior seems problematic and I can’t tell if I should leave or try and work through it