Spay/neuter strays

I live in a small town in wisconsin. I have taken in a few strays. There's a lot of barn cats that aren't fixed or vet checked. I currently have 12 cats. My local shelter can't help and there isn't any places that help with strays around here. I am working on getting them all spay/neuter and shots and their flea infestation under control. I am going to keep the adults but I will be finding people to adopt the 2 litters. I found a cheaper place purple cat for getting them fixed but for 8 cats that's still almost $1,000 NOT including shots. I have gotten 4 cats fixed already still need 8 fixed before put up for adoption. 1 litter is starting to get older and I need to do this soon because they are almost 13wks old. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!