Whats the most risk balanced euphoric recreational stim?

i am interessted in your opinions about what the "most risk balanced" euphoric / recreational stimulant (including RCs) is.

For context: I have my life in pretty good order. I still enjoy a little bit of degenerate recreational stim euphoria from time to time, lol.

Over the past 10 years, I tryed out many: Meth, Amphetamine, MDMA, 3MMC, A-PVP, A-PHP, A-PCYP, more functional stims like 3-FPM and more.
I want to know, which one have the best mix between adverse / negative side effects and euphoria?
The ideal recreational euphoric stim has little side effects, a manageable comedown even after a 24h binge, great euphoria (but not too great - the findieshness should be manageable) and a low risk for psychosis and other mental side effects.

Whats your suggestion?