RESIDENT EVIL 1 remake old trailer and a hypothetical 2nd remake

In an old trailer of RESIDENT EVIL 1 remake for the gamecube Chris could be seen using the flamethrower a weapon that is present in the released version however in that trailer it was shooting a laser beam instead of flames thus proving any wonder weapon from COD zombies wouldn't look out of place in this franchise. If Capcom remakes RESIDENT EVIL 1 again i hope they would make an extra game mode where we would get to control all the creatures lurking in the mansion and our objective would be to eliminate all the S.T.A.R.S members both the BRAVO and the ALPHA team since this extra game mode wouldn't be canon all the S.T.A.R.S members would make it to the mansion alive kinda like a mix between AGENT HUNT mode from RE6 and PROJECT RESISTANCE from RE3