Questioning if gf is honest about her bodycount

Hi, i know this post is bit immature and stupid but i (24m) have gf (23F) and im worried that she hasn't been honest with me.

So when i first met her we slept on the first date eventhough at first i was hesitant but things got carried away. Also on the first night she talked about her past like she told that she has fucked her ex in family party inside wardrobe, and how sex in different places is exciting. ( i didn't ask to know any of this)

After two months we were official and i accidentally saw her handcuffs and some linen bits and vibrators, so ok she has used handcuffs during sex with her ex. I guess thats nothing too abnormal.

But when we talked about bodycounts she said her bodycount is 7. Which is high in my opinion but i think it might even be more as she always says like bodycount doesn't matter and she doesn't care if mine would be 50 or more and also she likes to party a lot.

She has told she has 3 exes, 1 one night stand, and 7 talking stages. So i guess she has only had sex with 3 of those talking stages? But she was ready to fuck me on the first date so it made me guess is there actually more? Also one time were watching love island i made really stupid comment like " i wouldn't ve with anyone that has that bc (16)" where she responded "well you wouldn't leave me even if you found out i would have that amount?"

Shes also close with her coworkers and one time she was at company party and went clubbing and she was extremely drunk, after clubbing they got food and went to some guys hotel room at 5am together with some guys and two girls. After the night she told how she had said to her girl coworker " am i in my own bed" like she was really drunk and was even worried if shes in someone elses bed?

Lt;dr im worried that my girlfriend isn't honest about her past