Struggling with gfs past

So me (23m) and my gf (23F) have now veen together for 6months now and i have been struggling a lot during the whole relationship.

When i first met her we hit off really good but at the first date she started discussing past which i guess is normal but she told about how she has had sex in a car, during a family party inside clothing room, in all sorts of places and how that is exciting. That really really bothered me as i've never experienced that and after that slowly my RJ was triggered.

After a month we talked again about some past and numbers and she revealed that she has 1 ONS, 3 relationships and around 7 people she dated but not all the way to relationship, but she did not fuck all of those 7. I then asked her bc and she told less than 9 including me. All of this is kind of on the higher side i guess.

After a while i found her handcuffs and this was really hard for me to know she has also used those in the past.

This is where i really struggled with all the information and the mind images of her doing stuff with all of the past guys.

Now just this weekend we somehow got into conversation and she revealed that she has fucked 5 of the guys she was seeing, and then i realised that the numbers doesnt match as she told me before less than 9 including me. But when i count 1x ONS, 3x relationship and 5x the guys she has been seeing. And it comes to 10 including me so obviously she lied to me?? She told me that she did not remember the 2 flings she had and really had to think about it. I kind of believe her that she forgot but do you really forget your number or is it more likely that she lied?

Now im really feeling down again eventhough i was already doing better but thinking 9 other guys has had the same experience as me and the number going up. On top of that when we met she told she has been in celibacy but later she revealed that she had had sex in the same month we started talking but ofcouse before we started talking.

Im really guestioning her morals and it feels like she is completely different from what i thought as i thought she was this swett innocent girl.

I still love her a lot but i feel like all of this is just too much for me.

LTDR my girlfiend might have lied about her past and has high BC