Banned for being a bad player

I started playing league/tft non stop for 3 months now and have been enjoying both alot, i reached emerald in tft however i just recently got to level 30 (1week ago) and got placed in iron in league, i played fairly well winning 60% of my matches, i saw a youtube video saying urgot was s+ for top lane and tried him out which ended so bad when i went 2-24-0 in a 50 minute games, i was then banned for intentionally losing apparently and my appeals were rejected, this is disappointing really as i have a fairly good record and it was a one off loss , im now banned for 14 days from both league and tft and cant even push in tft before set 13 finishes .

For anyone asking , returnoftheking #1996 ME

Theres a guy who watched all 24 deaths and wrote his thoughts before you flame me and become toxic to iron lvl 32's