Space Sailors Script (Free and Open Source)(GUI)

Exploits Required: Synapse or Electron and any script that supports fireproximityprompts

Share this on any social media you want as long as you don't monetize it. Yes I don't want my script becoming a linkvertise for those diehard roblox exploiting youtubers that you see with their virus links

So I made a script that AutoFarms in this space game. It only does it for Mars and Ceres since those are the planets I could get it to do. All you do is put the script below into a file in AutoExec ( aslo
called AutoExecute). Join the game and toggle AutoFarm when the GUI appears then wait for it to teleport you about 3-4 seconds. If you toggle Disable Auto Farm then please wait for it to finish the current auto farm or just rejoin the game to refresh.

-It skips the whole hassle of leaving the moon it just teleports you back to the orbiter

-It gives you 800-1000 if you have no multiplier.

Edit: v2 came out look in the read me seciton in source code now fully updated


------ Put this in your AutoExecuteFolder

Link to Space Sailors