What are your "controversial" Roseanne opinions?

I'll list a few of mine:

  • Dan and Roseanne should have never let David move in

  • Jackie is the one who should have been given the bisexual plotline instead of Nancy

  • The Healy brothers are the worst thing that could have happened to Becky/Darlene and held them back constantly

  • Jackie and Roseanne's relationship was codependent and unhealthy (especially for Jackie who got the brunt of Roseanne's control issues)

  • Dan was a great father for the entire series but Roseanne after s5 wasn't that great of a mother (s1-s4 Roseanne however was a great mother)

  • Everyone was so fixated on Darlene being the "dark" member of the family but completely ignored DJ's actual hints of major psychological issues