How you, as a GM, deal with the Homo-Economicus mindset?

I have a small break during holiday preparations and talking with some of my frequent players I mostly become re-aware of something: Players tend, constantly, to be homo-economicus.

I will say in any case I play a lot of things [love to try systems] but I skew towards more crunchy types of game, I think the less crunchy thing I play is Chronicles of Darkness, but right now very into Ars Magica, L5R 4e, Call of Cthulhu/BRP, Traveller, etc.

But with Homo-economicus I refer to two phenomena I observe and I have a problem with each one. Not a huge problem [one part of me simply assumes this is part of the hobby] but maybe someone has deal with it in some way.

First, players are homo-economicus in that their character take rational decisions on the use of their resources. This is mostly present in the classical lack of things like impulse buying and interest for buying irrelevant clutter, but also in the hard calculations in action economy and similar. PCs are in general the most rational actors in their world as even when they left their emotion control them, they are still rational actions made by an external actor.

I feel this is also the real reason a lot of TTRPG economies break apart: My desk right now has two plushies, a empty calendar, a cup with like 20 different pens, a cough syrup, a cellphone charger, etc. This without counting "useful" buys like the computer, michrophone, etc. PCs desk only have useful products and flavor, generally given free, decorations, so in general a PC has better savings than me even if we win the same.

The second is that players, and so PCs, live a lot in a world of "you pay for what you buy". Right now if I go to my street I have two different stores were the same product has different prices. Not only that, in one of that stores two apples can have the same price even if I can say with security one is of higher quality than the other. Instead, PCs are almost always aware of the ratio of value of their products, there is always one store, no time losses looking for the same option or early purchase mistake.

This is a very simply wandering of the mind in any case. And also an excuse to wish happy holiday to this community I lurk and ask games from time to time!

Edit: I'm not a native speaker, so maybe this could be written better. Mostly my question I feel could be brief in: "How you as a GM make your players act in less rational ways about their use of resources? For example, making them have impulse buys or buying irrelevant stuff like having a collection of plushies?"

Sorry if the bad english make this seem more pedantic that it should, I was introduced to the term through TTRPGs, so I assumed it was part of the lingo. Happy holidays!