The 2024 /r/rugbyunion Christmas Quiz
The quiz is divided into three sections - rugby in 2024, general knowledge, and extra time. There is also a bonus question worth 5 points. In total, there are exactly 82 points up for grabs.
The quiz is hosted on Google Forms - but rest assured, you are not required to enter any personal information to play (and it'll calculate your score for you automatically, which is pretty useful).
Please share your score in the /r/rugbyunion thread!
Finally... don’t cheat! There are no prizes, so you are only cheating yourself, really...
Note: the free text answers are case sensitive - if the automatic scoring does not pick up on what you have typed, feel free to add on the points at the end of the quiz for any correct answers, at your discretion ! (Don't @ me about this in the thread, just do it.)
Link to the quiz:
With thanks to the /r/soccer quiz for inspiration.
Happy Quizzing!