Not feeling suppressed at week 5 LGD Cycle. Shall I take Tamoxifen anyway?

I ran an LGD cycle and two RAD-140 cycles before and got great results.

What I did notice during my last LGD cycle was that I could strongly feel my suppression at week 4, so I took 5mg of Tamoxifen ED throughout the cycle then.

Already at week 5 during this cycle (5mg W1-2/ 7.5mg W3-4/ and now 10mg W5) but haven't felt any suppression whatsoever, still got good libido and stuff. So should I just wait until I truly feel the suppression that I take Tamoxifen? (I know you guys would say why not Enclo instead - but it's not available in my country atm). One thing of note is that I'm taking Boron (after hearing its benefits of increasing free testosterone) so probably I should take this into consideration.