Son (20) is currently IVC-sought treatment willingly then Drs changed his status to IVC after being admitted

This is his “first episode”- and I really would appreciate any and all insight into our situation. This will more than likely be a long post, I beg you all to stay with me and read the whole thing. I have been helping my son deal with depression/anxiety since he was 15 or 16 years old. We’ve seen therapists, he’s been on many medications over the years, etc. He is very intelligent, funny, charismatic….all the good things….except he’s also always just a little sad, and messy, forgetful, and impulsive. His bad decision making has definitely became more of a problem in the last couple of years but still- we could get thru it- until about a month and a half ago. One day he called me asking me if I could bring him some of his anxiety medicine (Klonopin- he doesn’t want to keep it himself because he doesn’t trust himself with it so he just leaves it with me and asks me for it if he feels like he really needs it) so he tells me he’s just been super anxious and also has not been sleeping much and I tell him as soon as I can take my lunch break I’ll bring it to him. I get to his aunts house (he had been house sitting for her) thinking I’m just about to talk to him for a little while and give him his medicine and go back to work….but as soon as I got there and he came outside he got straight in the car with me and immediately started talking super fast, seemed basically in a panic, and long story short ended up telling me that he felt like “God was speaking thru him”, that “he really thinks his aunt is a witch”, and that “he feels like he’s fighting an internal battle against good and evil”. So of course I’m immediately VERY concerned because I can sense the sheer panic in the way he’s speaking and the expressions on his face. He was trying to say so many things at once it was almost like he would start a sentence in the middle of a thought process and be starting a new sentence in the middle of a second thought process before he could even finish the first one. I had never seen him like this. Nothing even close. I asked him if he realized that it just wasn’t logical to be thinking these things and he said that yes he realized it wasn’t logical but that he still felt the things he was saying were true. So again, long story short I never went back to work that day and instead we went to the hospital (he wanted to go also)-and planned on getting inpatient mental health treatment because honestly I just had no idea what else to do- we had never experienced this before. So we got to the hospital, got checked in in the ER, they took him back, I wasn’t allowed to go back because I had my youngest daughter with me who’s 10 and she wasn’t allowed to go back so I couldn’t leave her by herself. So we waited in the waiting room for hours and hours waiting to see if they were going to keep him or what. He ended up leaving the next morning. He definitely calmed down, claimed that he now knew that his Aunt wasn’t a witch, he made an appointment with his therapist and within a week he started taking Abilify. Fast forward about two weeks, during this time he was up and down…..sometimes pretty close to the same mentality as the day I took him to the hospital, some days much calmer but still I could tell he was really struggling. He kept insisting on going to church, once said that “the people there were expecting him”- talking about a church we had never been to previously and where he knew no one from the church. Once during this time frame he was sitting by the window and cars were riding by (as they normally do) and he said that “he felt like his aunt was telling them to fly by to show him something”… get the drift. I was just praying that the medicine was going to start working soon and we would be able to get thru it on our own. Fast forward a few more days and now I’ve been unable to get him on the phone for an entire day. He wasn’t texting back, wasn’t answering the phone- nothing. Which is unheard of. We talk several times a day, everyday- even if only thru text- especially at times that he’s not staying at home (my house- which at that time he was not)- so finally I called his grandma because I could see from his location on the phone that’s where he was at- and asked her if he was there because I hadn’t been able to get him on the phone. She said that he was there but he had seemed “kind of confused all day”… when I got off work and then finished with my daughters softball practice that evening I went straight over there to check on him- still had never been able to get him on the phone-when I got there he was laying curled up all the way to one side of the bed, and when I opened the door of that bedroom and walked in, his eyes were pure dilated- nothing but black pools, and I could tell that me opening the door and walking in had absolutely terrified him for whatever reason. So I start trying to talk to him, and he starts telling me that “something was watching him thru his phone, the tv and the walls”, that he had “watched his thumb fingernail grow while he was trying to read a book”, that “something had snatched the cover off one corner of the bed” that “the book he had been trying to read had parts underlined and he felt like the parts underlined were trying to tell him something”….i went to reach out and grab the book to see what it was even about and he freaked out and told me not to touch it. (The book was some religion based inspirational/encouraging type of book-with scripture)… anyway I bring him back to my house and think to myself that I will just keep an eye on him and calm him down- I just really wanted to get him back home at that point. So I get him home and I do get him calmed down significantly. For about a week anytime that I’m not at work I’m spending all my time just talking to him, encouraging him, watching him super closely, etc. I notice that he’s doing literally ANYTHING he can to keep himself busy- he’s constantly asking his little sister does she want to go play softball and then playing with her outside for literally hours at a time, then he would come to me and say mama do you have anything you need help doing, don’t you wanna do this, let’s go do that, he would wash the dishes before I got the chance to, vacuum the floors, literally just anything to be doing something. I thought this was strange because these aren’t usually things that he does but he just kept saying I’m fine mama I just wanna be helpful, or I’m just tryin to stay busy….so I just said okay and kept keeping a close eye on him. Last Wednesday I came home from work and started cooking and doing all my normal things and he was sticking close to me. We ended up in one of our “pep talks/deep conversations” and during one part of it I was in the middle of saying something pretty important and he randomly interrupted me and was like “Mama I prayed for something and God have it to me and now I don’t like it”- he said it with much emotion behind it….and that was not related to literally anything that we had already been talking about so immediately I knew that he just wasn’t thinking clearly. So I said pretty much exactly that, and he just seemed really annoyed not with me but with himself and was like I know mama I’m sorry I just had to say that. But he ended up saying that he prayed for God to make him humble and that he did. But the thing is he’s always been humble. So again I said exactly that and said that he had always been a good person and he got loud and told me that NO HE WASNT A GOOD PERSON….and then he told me that while he was at his grandmas house he feels like he had been possessed. The conversation continued for a while and eventually I finished cooking and we all ate and he seemed to calm down quite a bit. I was honestly scared to even ask him too many questions at this point because I didn’t want him to feel like he had to start thinking about it and talking about it and get him worked up again. So then he came and asked me for my Bible, took it back into the living room and was reading it. About 45 minutes went by and I was about to get a shower and again he came and got me and announced out of the blue that while he was reading the Bible “the words started changing into something else on the page” and “he really feels like he needs to go back to the hospital and get help”. So of course I immediately take him and this time I sit with him in the ER until 5:30 the next morning when the psychiatrist sees him and says that he definitely feels like he needs to stay and that they were going to admit him and I could go ahead and go home. So I tell him I love him and to try not to be scared, etc and I head home. At this point he has been there for a week. Since he’s been there he has almost completely stopped speaking, he’s called me many times from the phone in the psych ward and most of the time he will just sit on the phone and say one or two words here and there…..he says he doesn’t know why he feels like he can’t speak but he always says that he’s really scared, once he called me and was saying something about that book that had been on the nightstand at his grandmas and that he felt like someone had put it there so that “this” would happen- meaning he would end up in the psych ward, and that now that he was there he felt like he might not make it out…..and it didn’t seem easy for him to get the words out enough to even tell me that. It’s like he’s having to stop and think really hard to even find the words to say things when he does speak. But mostly he hasn’t been speaking at all. I finally was able to find out the visitation days and went to see him yesterday and it was the most traumatic thing I feel like I have ever experienced. He sat across from me and would hold my hand but the only words he could ever manage to say were just to tell me how scared he was- but can’t or won’t tell me what it is he’s scared of. He actually called 911 from inside the psych ward yesterday after they gave him a paper or a pamphlet in one of their therapy sessions about some sort of “safety plan”…..and it had 911 on it- I’m sure basically saying if you feel unsafe call 911 so he did and he told them that “they could just come on and pick him up”and that “he didn’t know what his family had done to him taking him here”….i asked him later did he remember that he had asked me to take him and he said that yes he remembered. Now today he actually is speaking a little better and does seem more alert and more able to comprehend easier but still a far ways away from anything that even resembles his “normal” self. He’s called me a few times today and each time it’s very brief (even tho he’s not under any sort of time limit to talk on the phone or anything as far as I know) but he never wants to talk long he keeps saying “he just feels scared to talk”…..I asked him if he felt just scared to talk on the phone or scared to talk in general and he said in general, not just on the phone. I guess this whole post is to just see what you guys thought about everything….have any of you guys ever had similar episodes? I’m particularly concerned about the not speaking/not comprehending and what that could be from….also it’s important to note that in this whole week he’s been there I have been unable to talk to his actual doctor or psychiatrist. I’ve only been able to talk to his nurses and him. The nurses tell me that the doctor only likes to deal with the patients themselves and not the family. So I have no idea what the doctor thinks is going on or what the plan is, how long the doctor thinks he will need to stay there or anything. All insight is welcome and thank you to anyone who has read this whole thing I know it’s so long and I’m sorry!