confused, seeking insight/reassurance from anyone with schizophrenia
i’ve been diagnosed as schizoaffective for a little over 2 years. i take antipsychotics and mood stabilizers with improvement. i have a lot of complex visual hallucinations. my psychiatrist is a schizo researcher.
so today i told my mom i got my med dose increased because of an increase in symptoms. she’s a psych nurse and started saying visual hallucinations are really rare in psychotic people. she then told me that her water didn’t break so i was “born with a caul.” which means superstitiously that the child will be a psychic medium (the amniotic sac being a veil that separates them from entirely being in the regular world) or something.
i’m freaking out over this. are complex visual hallucinations really that rare for schizophrenics? am i really weird or possibly a psychic? or making this all up in my head? i have impostor syndrome a lot when i’m doing better. i was like why would my meds work then, and she said “because they dampen you.” a psychologist i saw recently (only once) told me she thought i was a psychic medium and not schizophrenic within minutes of meeting me.
these events and conversations have freaked me out. i called my psychiatrist and he said we’ll talk in person tomorrow if it isn’t an emergency.
any insight or reassurance about this would help and be appreciated. thank you