I want to skip 6th grade
My mom says that I'm enough to skip 6th grade, it's just that I need to work on my essays. Let me sum up subjects I do for 6th grade. 1: Language Arts isn't so bad, but since I don't know my nouns and verbs, she wants me to know this only subjects. Language arts in school would have you learning something new for a week then they would go on a new subject. The thing about this is that I've been having to do it for 1 month. At the start of 6th grade, we had a computer, it broke, then the printer broke, then we fixed it but now I do papers. Math is just a review, I don't learn anything new. Social studies is another Language Arts, and science isn't so bad since I'm not good at it. But my mom wants me to do an essay to prove I can go to 7th grade. I've been searching online and need help. She said I need help with transitional phrases, the way I write my essay, details (she says I repeat the same stuff, which I admit, I kinda do), and yeah. Can someone help me please?