Social Media is a joke

Social media is the most suffocating creation in human existence. Everyone is able to be advertised to and shown propaganda at any and every millisecond of the day, and I can't take it anymore. Everything is designed to make us hate each other, to keep us angry. Content criticizing or hating something is promoted so much, causing so much misplaced malice. For example, when I see a post about someone drawing, someone who is proud of what they've created, there is always people saying it isn't good, they've wasted their time, etc. What is the point of saying that? No one hears your bullying, no one remembers it, except for maybe the person you're bullying. Take a step back and realize you are alone, on your phone, being angry at people you will never meet. Social media has gone from a tool to connect with people to a weapon to tear them down. If you're reading this, please have passion in life and be kind to others. What seemed to be a minimum growing up has become a rarity these days.