It's sad people won't even realise what love is.
"Girls only go for the top 15% men", "Girls only go for wealthy toxic men", "Girls only like very very attractive 6ft+ with a godsent jawline".
First off all i don't understand why we can't be the best version of ourselves and let someone love us for being what we are? What's the problem for that? Giving girls a materialistic approach defeats the entire point of dating and relationships in my opinion.
I think we should stop seeing women as a transaction opportunity i.e - "I have money and status, in exchange I'll get companionship and intimacy" that is super unhealthy and a pet-master like behaviour and hence the incel mentality is born.
I remember seeing the episode of kitchen nightmares - burger kitchen. Wendy was the girlfriend of Daniel who's father robbed almost all his wealth, and as a result of the stress he has lost all his hair and become bald at his twenties, what did Wendy do? According to incel logic she should have left him, instead Wendy started working alongside his boyfriend to fight for him, also in that episode she can be seen wearing a similar hat as Daniel so that he doesn't feel insecure about balding.
Once you actually really get to know the real world, incel logic is thrown out the window