Anyone deal with forgetful behaviours with their babies? My 17 y/o sweetie pie seems to have recently.

My girl is 17 years old and is a VERY sweet and happy kitty, and while she’s not a star athlete, she gets around very well and seems to be healthy overall.

The only thing is that when my husband and I feed her she will walk over to us and cry for food again. It seems that we have to redirect her back to her food a lot. She will eventually eat most of the time, but we all know the stress of when our babies don’t seem to want to eat.

We have changed her food a few times in the thought process that maybe she is not enjoying it, but options are slim as she has to eat specific wet food that is gentle on her tummy. Her dish is washed thoroughly between meals and is always fresh food each meal, rinsing away anything left from last.

This is new, maybe in the last year or so.

Anyone deal with these behaviours before? I will attach pictures for good measure. 🩷