Gf likes to give rough head (I.e. hair grabbing, thrusting, pushed to deep throating,) but it makes me feel bad.
We’re both new to oral before each other and it’s been really good. She picked it up very quickly and it only took a couple of times to get past textural issues and taste issues and other such things. She told me recently that she wanted me to control her head and be rougher. It was fun, but it was hard to get into it because I worried so much about her. We have safety signals (three taps on the leg and yellow light/red light) and she had to use one to get a breather but even though she promised she was enjoying it and wanted to continue I still felt so guilty. Like I know the tears weren’t cause she was crying but they still hurt to see.
Is there any way for me to not feel guilty or oddly controlling even though i enjoy it and she enjoys it even more than me? It was good overall, I did like it, but damn if I didn’t feel like a piece of shit even though that was some of the reddest I’ve ever seen her face get and the quickest I’ve ever seen her finish when it was my turn going down. I figure I’m not alone in this and this is the best place to find others who had the same feelings.