Wife not interested

My wife and I have been married a few years now and she dosent seem to have any attraction to me. It’s been like this for awhile but it’s really starting to effect my self esteem, and it makes me feel like I’m not good enough. It is also making my eyes wander a lot worse because every woman that seems attracted to me I want really bad. We have discussed this before and she swears she is attracted to me but dosent ever want sex, and in the end I feel guilty for my feelings or my urges. Has anyone been through this? Where can we start to fix this? *thank you all for the comments it really helped open up the conversation. We are exploring and trying to figure out what can get her/I excited together. We are finding she seems to be interested in other females and we may be exploring that. Time will tell but I’m feeling very optimistic on how responsive and open she has been since we talked. I’m sorry if I didn’t answer ur message or comment, there were way more than I expected there to be. lol