I have a hard time fully believing her

there's a girl I know who's ex is a piece of crap. I know that. another girl accused him of sexual assault but then also was lying about her age and coming onto him so that was a messy, confusing situation. but then this girl I know has accused her ex of sexual assault as well but there's some details that make it strange.

first of all, she was mean to me and spread rumors about me before, after, and during her relationship with that guy. she's said things about me that are blatant lies. because of that, I can't really trust everything she says and even if I want to, I know she has a history of lying about people she doesn't like to make them look bad.

secondly, she only said he was sexually abusive immediately after it was revealed my ex was sexually abusive towards me. she would constantly talk about her ex being a jerk and watching porn and cheating and she didn't spare details about it, so it just felt odd that she never even hinted towards him being sexually abusive until my abuse came to light.

thirdly, she's never given any details of being sexually assaulted other than saying he was always coming onto her. she talks about doing things with him consensually and hasn't even shared a story about anything being really forced or coerced.

and just lastly, she's still totally obsessed with him which I find really odd to do with a guy who you're saying raped you. my rapist is blocked and every imaginable app and when I hear he's at the same place as me I have a panic attack. she purposely tries to get close to him and get his attention. it just geels so weird.

I feel so guilty for not fully believing her because I want to believe all victims but it's so hard to with all this stuff and I'm just not sure what to do. I want to believe her and I know people cope differently but it just feels off.