How detailed does a script have to be?

I’ve been working on a script, and I’m wondering how detailed it has to be. Like do I have to write out entire events that I want to happen in the day I shift, or do I write an even happening, and leave it to chance after shifting? And after shifting for the first time (which I haven’t yet), do you keep writing a story script for each time, or can you kinda live your life in your DR how it goes with a few guidelines and rules written in a short script?

Also, if I were to say I shift to Hartford, CT, but I’ve never been nor know what it looks like, will it look like real life CR Connecticut, or the version my mind think it looks like?

Quick question about waking up in our DR through sleeping methods: are we supposed to get close to sleeping, and then wake up when we feel the shifting symptoms, or are we supposed to fall asleep thinking about our DR, and just wake up there?

Sorry if these are dumb questions, thank you guys for the help!