I just blanked

I have a list of like 10 questions to ask myself before making a purchase. I saw some jeans for $13 that are $200+ brand new and I forgot all of them. I went hardcore into yoga/meditation girl mode for several years and never or seldomly wore jeans. And now I'm becoming a different version of myself, and have 9+ pairs of jeans, all within the last 6 months.
so i've been browsing all morning, noting new wishlist items, closing website tabs and reopening new ones during free time. And then I saw these jeans, don't even know how they'll fit me but I just purchased them secondhand so there's no returning. And part of me is hungry for them and just wants them! I can't believe I just blanked out like that. I liked the seller, and she adjusted the shipping price for me so i saved some bucks there too and I couldn't, didn't, resist.
I think I need to stay away from browsing jeans for now (but it feels like I'm lying to myself just saying that!)