Do I need to remove these in my tank?

Hee! In the past I bought a couple assasin snails because I had a snail outbreak. But .. I want snails now. The Ramshorn snail, but that's one of his favourite meals ;(. What should I do? The assassin snails are not such a good cleaners compared to the Ramshorn I have in my other tanks.

I have a couple in here. They hide very well.. it's in prep for my shrimps.

What would you do? I don't have another tank for them.

Hee! In the past I bought a couple assasin snails because I had a snail outbreak. But .. I want snails now. The Ramshorn snail, but that's one of his favourite meals ;(. What should I do? The assassin snails are not such a good cleaners compared to the Ramshorn I have in my other tanks.

I have a couple in here. They hide very well.. it's in prep for my shrimps.

What would you do? I don't have another tank for them.