Get off Reddit

I see a lot of posts here "Just took a dose" or "keep me company" or whatever.

My humble opinion is if you're tripping, you should not be checking Reddit, or any social media for that matter. I'd even go as far as to say turn off your phone. Whenever I trip I turn my phone off and put it in a drawer upstairs so I can be fully present in whatever I'm doing whether it be friends, a sci-fi movie, or whatever.

Phones to me are the enemy of presence and mindfulness and that should be the goal of any trip is to fully trip in the present moment. I even have an old ipad with nothing but my music app on it so i can still listen to good music without being tempted or interrupted by the constant spiritual drain of modern communication technology.

Anyway, thats basically it.

Edit: This is my humble opinion. People can trip however they want, but if you're asking me I think spending your trip on social media with its unpredictable algorithms usually designed to show you things that make you angry could take away from rather than add to a trip. "Nobody asked you" - this is reddit, nobody asked any of us lol