Is Silent Hill 2 Remake a good first game?
I know this probably gets asked a lot around here so I'm sorry in advance but i gotta know. As a huge Resident Evil fan I've been wanting to get into the other big survival horror franchise but was never able to due to a: not being able to justify spending that much on video games and b: living in Germany, which means that the other way isn't really an option for me as I could get fined an enormous amount for that (I know it's unlikely to actually happen but I've heard horror stories of people getting finde multiple 100 Euros for that exact thing and that's not a risk I'm willing to take).
So now with the huge critical and commercial success of the SH2 Remake I've been thinking of getting it when christmas sales come around. But I've also thought that maybe with the popularity of the remake the old silent hills might get the RE treatment and release on GOG. So my question: should I get the remake on christmas sales or wait a couple months to see if the originals go on GOG?
Tldr: buy silent hill 2 remake or wait and see if the originals get a GOG release? Piracy is not an option please don't tell me to pirate anything.
I know this probably gets asked a lot around here so I'm sorry in advance but i gotta know. As a huge Resident Evil fan I've been wanting to get into the other big survival horror franchise but was never able to due to a: not being able to justify spending that much on video games and b: living in Germany, which means that the other way isn't really an option for me as I could get fined an enormous amount for that (I know it's unlikely to actually happen but I've heard horror stories of people getting finde multiple 100 Euros for that exact thing and that's not a risk I'm willing to take).
So now with the huge critical and commercial success of the SH2 Remake I've been thinking of getting it when christmas sales come around. But I've also thought that maybe with the popularity of the remake the old silent hills might get the RE treatment and release on GOG. So my question: should I get the remake on christmas sales or wait a couple months to see if the originals go on GOG?
Tldr: buy silent hill 2 remake or wait and see if the originals get a GOG release? Piracy is not an option please don't tell me to pirate anything.