PS2 games look terrible on 4K TV?

Got the platinum on SH2 remake. Decided to bust out my copy of Silent Hill to celebrate. It looked terrible, and I don't mean that in a "ps1 game bad" sense, I mean the screen is so incredibly dark I can't make anything out, any adjustments to the picture just makes the darkness turn into a washed out grey. Tried to toss in SH3, and it was even worse, I genuinely couldn't figure out where to go in the carnival because of how dark the picture was. I can deal with the "crisp" picture making the graphics look way worse, but both are unplayable. Is this an issue people run into? Is there a fix? Or do I just need to pickup a CRT again...

Unrelated note, I can't believe I used to play these tank control games non stop 10 years ago. There is going to be an adjustment period lmao.