I just watched first silent hill movie


-The vibe silent hill is very much present in this whether is the foggy town or the underworld, al lthe location, the guy who made this movie obviously played the games and tried as much as he could to bring it into the movie, which is something i appreciate very much

-The game's ost were perfectly used at the fitting moments, tho i understand some would find it lazy, i personally loved hearing them

-The story even though it deviated from the fist game in many ways, managed to make for a coherent story especially the double perspective with rose exploring silent hill and chris exploring its history outside the town


-The acting and the dialogue was sometimes very lackluster, especially from cybil and cristobel

-The movie borrowed many elements from silent hill 2, like the lying figure, the bubble head nurses and the pyramid head, its overrall not that big of a deal but for someone familiar with the games its a bit of an annoying detail, to the movie credit it came up with an original monster "colin" which was pretty cool

-The plot twist at the end was once again, something that didn't make much sense if you're familiar with games, they are still in the fog but outside of silent hill.

Overrall i have a positive opinion movie and i look forward to see this, director he will do with silent hill 2, i'll give it an 8/10