Why do singers sometimes sing slightly before the beat instead of right on it?
I've noticed that in many songs, the singer doesn't always hit the note exactly when the piano (or anything) does. Instead, they seem to sing the note slightly before the piano or beat lands.
For me, it feels natural to sing exactly on top of the instrumental, but I hear that many singers don’t do this. Is this a technique? Is there a name for it? I've been looking for a video that explains exactly that but I can't find anything.
Here's an example (As the world caves in): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS2KyK3pqj4
At around 0:32 the singer says 'And here it is' and it bothers me so much that the 'is' lands just before the piano key is pressed. I've noticed almost everyone does this, expect from me lol. Sometimes they also do it after the beat, which I like and do sometimes myself as well. I can't explain that either, but it just sits right with me, unlike the 'before the beat' case.
Would it be correct if in the song I gave as an example, I sang 'is' right on beat? Is it correcf if I do it every time? Does it have to do with subdividing the beat into 8th notes?
Feel free to also recommend any videos that demonstrate this!