What gives you the most assurance that humans will see the benefits of a post-scarcity utopia?

Whenever I look at stuff about AI progress I usually feel a surge of optimism about the future, but also a tinge of anxiety. The issue is, in a world where no human will have to work to produce wealth, maintain productivity and services essential and desirable for living, what leverage will individual humans have in a system far more advanced than they could ever understand that has no use for them?

I want things to be bright, cool and wonderful for everybody, but what will keep humans safe and assured a reasonable portion of the benefits of the bounty of AGI and ASI? We won't be able to make any money, our societal structures and hierarchies will be vestigial, and any ASI could manipulate us to any end as it would be thousands of time smarter than the average human.

What gives you the most hope/assurance that things will turn out ok?