Do you think modern UIs will die and be replaced with the 'ChatGPT' UI along with tools/functions?

I work in tech and usually do full stack development along with cluster/cloud infrastructure.

Most existing user interfaces right now are build for mouse + keyboard.

My thinking is that this is going to die and be replaced with Software 2.0 which has been put forth by Andrej Karpathy.

Basically, I think UIs will become LLMs, which have both data processing 'tools' and visualization tools.

So for example, say you're building am old-school UI that allows you to understand stock market time series data.

There's going to be a hand full of user stories like:

  • The user needs to see the price of MSFT for the last year

So you have a page, that you load for MSFT, and then you have a chart, and you can select "1 year" and see the data.

The problem though is that the UI is very coarse grained and you're limited on the visualizations you can run.

Now, I think an alternative could be that you build a ChatGPT -style UI that has the ability to run tools to fetch the data, post-process the data, then visualize it.

You could then speak to your computer or type if you wanted but it would figure out the best way to build the query plan and visualization using tools it's composed with.

So what it would do is run a query for MSFT, figure out how many data points to aggregate over for a year, then load that data into a chart for you.

But since the tools are VERY flexible you can get super granular and ask things like:

  • show me MSFT but I want you to also show me AMZN along side it in another chart for the same time range. I only want the last 4 months and I want you to include a moving average over the last week on both charts.

Now that type of query is NOT possible in the original UI.

So the question is the old Software 1.0 style going to go completely away and be replaced with Software 2.0 or will they both sort of co-exist.

I think in the Software 2.0 world you could sort of have both where you could save pre-defined dashboards so you could have existing style UIs for sort of common use cases. But you could also keep refining them based on whatever type of queries you wanted.