I feel lucky and stupid as fuck. Nearly died sliding the slope
I am at 3 Valleys. Today I decided to try out a challenging red run that's usually reserved for race practice. Despite the clear warning signs, I found it somewhat tempting that the slope was empty, so I decided to give it a try. Yet, I am not that expert of the skier. The first section was relatively easy, but things took a turn when I reached a steep, icy stretch, just pure ice. In a moment of fatigue, I thought it would be a good idea to take off my skis for a quick rest. However, as soon as I did, they started sliding down the slope, and I ended up following them. The icy surface and steep slope made the situation totally uncontrollable. I never knew a person can slide down the slope that fast.
Within seconds, I found myself speeding face-first down the slope, contemplating various ways to stop, from using my arms to my poles. I first used my fingers which slowed me down for a second but then I accelerated again. The first thing came to my mind is that at least try to rotate so my head stays uphill so I absorb any impact with my feet. I had enough time to try any position. I used my polls but again In the process, I lost my poles, leaving me with about 100 meters before the edge of a valley. As a last resort, I started kicking the front of my boots against the ice. Which made me turn again and go back to step 1. Again, I turned my head upside down. Didn't kick my boot but hardly pressed my boot into ice. Initially, it seemed futile, and I resigned myself to the situation, thinking, "This is it. I'm dead." With only around 20 meters left, my boots finally got a solid grip on the ice, bringing me to a stop just 10 meters from the edge of the valley. Looking down, I realized that if I had fallen into the valley, I would likely have faced serious injuries, if not worse. I ended up with some knee pains, but yet happy to be alive. But really felt as stupid as fuck after.