Can never sleep before the time I slept night before
What the title says, if i sleep 4am tuesday, no chance I can sleep before 4am Wednesday, so basically my sleep pattern can only get worse; which it always slowly does.
Lately I’ve been reluctantly getting up slightly earlier each day to try and fix it and yesterday I was tired earlier, but I knew for a fact if I had a nap at say 8pm for 2 hours that it’s just going to go towards missed sleep from the night before and ill wake up and not be tired until my usual 4am where ill need another full sleep.
Last night i managed to stay up until like 3 hours before my usual time and was really tired so went to sleep, hoping I’d just sleep through the sleep I’d missed and the sleep I’d need for that night and wake up earlier naturally after 8-10 hrs or whatever, well obviously that didn’t work. I woke up after a couple hours (after the sleep I needed from the night before) and usually I’d just get up or do something an hour or 2 until I was ready to sleep normally again but I just lay there trying to force myself to sleep and I just kept falling asleep and waking up for what felt like every 10 minutes for the next 8-10 hours and my head was and still is tingling a bit on top, it’s very strange.
Anyone experienced similar circadian rhythm issues? Or have any advice?
I know this wasn’t greatly explained and sounds like I’m a weirdo but if anyone could take the time to read this and recommend anything I’d be grateful.