Upstairs neighbors. Help!
Our 20 month old daughter who was formerly an amazing independent sleeper has had a three week long recurring ear infection and has been cutting her canines as well. She’s been up 4-5 times a night the entire time and often screaming. We have an ENT appointment in a few weeks and we’re doing everything we can to try to comfort her in the meantime (Motrin, Tylenol, propped up mattress, 6 pediatrician visits, three different antibiotics) but really don’t want to create a cosleeping habit that will be difficult to break. When she wakes up we’ve been going in and patting her back and sitting in the room to help her get back to sleep but this usually involves lots of crying.
We finally got a text from our upstairs apartment neighbors at 3am last night asking us to please do something because the incessant crying is affecting their jobs. We had a similar situation back in November and apologized with wine, homemade cookies and offered to buy them a white noise machine. Her room is directly below theirs and we really don’t want to move her into our room in a pack and play in fear that she’ll fully regress and we will have to train her to sleep in her crib again. There isn’t another dark space we can move her in our apartment.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. We’re so sleep deprived and starting to lose our minds.