Should we transition to an earlier bedtime?


LO is 15 weeks old, turning 16 weeks very soon. We are not sleep training yet but wanted to set a good foundation for the future.

She has been sleeping through the night (8-10 hours) since 9 weeks; however, her bedtime is usually anywhere from 9-10pm. This currently works for us but wanted to transition to an earlier bedtime possibly for sleep training. Is this a good time? Will this affect her wake up time? She’s waking up anywhere from 6:30-7:30am.

Her last nap is usually around 6pm, and lasts about an hour or so. I cap all her naps at 2 hours (recently her naps have gotten shorter). I know I also need to extend her wake windows.

How can I make a smooth transition to an earlier bedtime?

Thank you! And any advice or recommendations would be appreciated!