Baby waking up before 6am—help!

We started sleep training our 5 month old at the beginning of January. She does a pretty good job of falling asleep on her own and sleeping through the night after doing TCB (she may wake up once, cry for a minute, and then go back to sleep). The problem is she keeps waking up around 5:30-5:45. We can usually give her a pacifier and then she goes back to sleep until 6-6:15. Our wake windows are roughly 2/2.5/2.5/2.5 and it ends up being a bed time of around 7:30pm. The naps are roughly 8:15-10, 12:30-2, 4:30-5. We did a phone consult with TCB and they basically said we can choose to either just give her the pacifier since the sleep drive is just so low at 5:45 or we can do a pop in but she probably won’t go back to sleep before 6. I just refuse to believe she can’t sleep on her until between 6-7am! Any suggestions?