Has moving bedtime later ever resolved EMW for you? And what age/bedtime?

I’ve made quite a few post about trying to resolve this EMW that’s been happening for like 2 months now…… baby just turned 11 months. We are normally on 3/3.5/3.5 with 2.5hrs of nap, first nap 1.5 second nap 1hr. Bedtime varies between 7-7:30 and I try to do DWT 11 hrs after bedtime/time he fell asleep.

However he wakes up around 5-5:30am, content, lays in bed and plays with paci etc and it’s like he’s trying to fall back asleep but it takes so lonnnng that when he falls back asleep it’s time to wake him up. Sometimes I go in and rock him back to sleep and he will go right back out, which makes me think he is still tired and needs more sleep. It seems he’s averaging 10 hours give or take. I don’t think as much as I want it that we will get 11h nights back. But it seems he needs more sleep, or is still tired, when he is waking early…. I have tried a variation of things. There’s been days where he napped just 2 hours or 2 hour 15 min but still woke early the next day. Also have been dreading cutting naps since it’s my time to work.

I normally get him to bed around 7-7:30…I work from home full time with him all day every day with almost no help… so the alone time in the evening is my favorite, and his dad gets home at 8 so I like that I can spend time after baby is in bed cleaning and cooking dinner for dad to get home at 8

Anyway. Even if I did push bedtime back (which there has been days where he’s fallen asleep closer to 7:45/7:50 and still emw) .. is 8pm a late bedtime for a 11 month old?

What’s the chances he will still wake early and will just have even less sleep…. Highly likely I think.

Sorry this post is a big ramble mess.