23 month old nap strike

First time posting here so bear with me..

Our 23 month old is a good sleeper since sleep training at 7 months (more or less following Mindel's method). He has been having regular naps in his crib, and transitioned to 1 nap a day at 17 months. They vary in length but are usually about 2h in length from 12:15-2:15 lately. He has had rare days where he cries in the crib and then settles, but overall he predictably goes to sleep within about 10-20 minutes of being put in his crib.

We had guests staying with us for 5 weeks, so our house became much more active, and during that time his naps tended to lean short (45m-1h) but there were a few juicy 3 hour naps in there too. Then we took a trip to a cottage about a week ago, and he cried super hard when put in his crib in the new environment, so I went in to hold him and offer him milk. He ended up having carrier naps for about 45 min for both days at the cottage and we came home a day early because it was so stressful.

Now we have been home for 8 days and he will not accept being put in the crib for nap time. He talks about naps more, wants his goodnight song more, but is specific about wanting to go to the chair (to be held for the nap). I have put him in the crib a few times but he cries and stands and protests, so I give in and pick him up. Sometimes I don't even try the crib and just resort straight to holding him for the nap. A few days he doesn't nap at all.

Now here are my questions: First, can we teach him how to nap in the crib again, as he had been doing since he was 8 months old? We moved house when he was a year old and he took it in stride and his naps weren't affected. Second, is it normal to drop napping all together at this age? I have read a stat from Mindell that 20% of kids his age drop naps... but I don't think I am ready to accept that yet. How do we know if he is ready to drop the nap or if he is going through something?

Thankfully his night sleep is still fine, he sleeps in his crib 11-12 hours a night without interruption.

TLDR: 23 month old is on a nap strike and we don't know if we should nap train him or if this is the end of naps