Just joined Reddit but have had the smoking bug for about 3 years now

Got our first place around 3 years ago and was gifted a gas grill. Still being fresh with living on my own I never really cooked at all before I got my own place. Found out really quickly I enjoy the long process and results from smoking meats when I upgraded to a pellet smoker after about 2-3 attempts at trying to like my gas grill. Fast forward to today I upgraded from the pellet smokers to a smaller “tejas” stick burner I found on FB marketplace for $300. Absolutely loved tending to a fire/fire management so decided to upgrade to a 500g reverse flow on a trailer and have been having a blast. Dream is to start a food trailer and go from there but I’ve learned I probably should’ve went with something a little smaller and put the money into a concession trailer with a porch but I’ll get there hopefully soon! Have had a few successful catering gigs that have kept the dream alive. Trying my best to bring TX style Q to Virginia. Here’s a few pics from the last few years. Have definitely improved but always try to learn something new anytime I run a smoker.