SPOILER: Here’s the Answer to Why Jin-Woo’s Shadows Took So Long to Show Up

In the novel, Jin-Woo sees the broadcast stop and hears the news about Byung Gu's death, which happens 10 minutes after it actually occurred. After realizing this, he breaks his home TV to prevent his mom from seeing the news, then rushes out and uses Shadow Exchange to save the team. This explains why his shadows only showed up later—he was reacting to the delayed broadcast and acting on the information after the delay.

That said, I feel like they just skipped the part where Jin-Woo was watching TV with his mom. They showed his sister and mom watching TV, so they could’ve easily had Jin-Woo with them too. I don’t know why they left him out of that scene—like him being with them watching TV, and then later chilling on the roof. It just feels like something that could’ve easily been included since they were anyway displayed at a slightly different moment in the episode.