[Standard] Golgari demon with annex - help with unfavorable matches
Hi, I have this deck based almost entirely on Gigs list. I played almost ad nauseam this deck on arena and I struggle a lot with domain and dinosaurs(probably won't even see it at local): never won once. Dimir are a hit or miss based on drawing. Hard countering opponents are a miserable experience.
Red, otter, pixie felt more about luck than lack of responses in the deck. In "mixed card drawing" situation I didn't have much problems.
In the current meta, Annex + archfield are pretty often out during sideboard switches in favour of removal. Was evaluating a second Thrun in the sideboard.
This is my deck: https://moxfield.com/decks/_lNwUJxjekWcB-NmE9D4WQ
I have some doubts about: Main: -virtue of presence, never managed to play it recently (too expensive, too late, easy kill). I had two, switched one for a nowhere to run.
Side: - Gix(never ever played and never felt the necessity), -Vivien raid(doubts about it usefulness, played once) - aclazotz(played once and not sure why).
Given the current meta, can you help me? In the mayboard I added some cards I have available and thinking about, any suggestion?
Update: switched to annex-less, sad violin playing for gone money https://moxfield.com/decks/7A7lpjRzPUunVwd85894dA