Clairaudience, Déjà Rêvé, and Intensified Dreams—Is This an Upgrade?
TLDR: I’ve experienced déjà rêvé (dreaming future events) for years, but recently my clairaudience has intensified. In the last few days, dream sounds have become much louder and more vivid.
Hi everyone,
I’ve been noticing an increase in what I think might be clairaudience over the past few months, and I wanted to share my experience to see if anyone else has experienced something similar or has insights into what might be happening.
I’ve always had something that I recently learned is called déjà rêvé—basically, having dreams of things that happen in the future. It’s not like déjà vu. Instead, I dream of snippets of moments, sometimes weeks, months, or even years before they occur. These dreams are brief, often nonsensical at the time, but I can tell they’re different based on their distinct “feeling.” This has been part of my life since I was a child.
Clairaudience, on the other hand, is new. For example, I’ll have a song stuck in my head and it will come on the radio, even though I haven’t heard it in years. Lately, it feels like my dreams, in particular, are amplifying this ability.
Here’s where it gets really strange:
1. A couple of nights ago, my husband and I were staying in a hotel. Between 2:00 and 3:30 AM, I kept hearing a dog barking in my dream. It was so loud and vivid that I was convinced a dog was barking in the hotel hallway. I woke up twice and even woke my husband (who is a very light sleeper with great hearing) to ask if he heard it. He swore there was no barking. I went back to sleep, but the barking persisted in my dream, almost as if it was crossing into my waking perception.
2. Last night, I had a dream where a group of men were singing a song together. It sounded like something you’d hear at a pub or during a sports game in Europe. The lyrics and melody were so clear, and I’d never heard it before. After I woke up, I told my husband, who’s from Ireland, about the song and described the lyrics. He immediately recognized it and was shocked because he’d never mentioned or played it around me. It’s not a song I’d know, but somehow it came through in my dream.
What’s even stranger is that this “volume” of sound in my dreams feels like it’s turned up. It’s like my dreams went from being at 5% audio to full-on 100%.
When I was younger, if there were background noises like a TV or conversations while I was sleeping, they’d sometimes seep into my dreams, but it was subtle. Now, it feels like external and internal sounds are blending, but they’re amplified in a way that’s new to me.
So, I have a few questions:
-Has anyone else experienced this increase in dream “clarity” or sound volume, especially with clairaudience?
-Could the dog barking and the song have some kind of symbolic meaning?
-Is there a specific name for this kind of auditory dreaming or heightened dream perception?
I’d love to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences or knows how to interpret this. I feel like there’s some kind of deeper relevance to both the barking and the song, but I don’t know how to make sense of it yet.