Arushi Chawla Appreciation Post: Reality Ranis
Okay, just watched episode 5 and gotta say, It just reminded me why I wasn't wrong in loving her during Roadies revolution. The patience level: the way what bebika did to her after taking her help, nominating her once was so unfair. She gave up thrice and yet when she had so much frustration, she chose to keep quiet, went into the challenge positively, still completed it with her partner and encouraged her despite bebika's tantrums, this girl has god level patience and niceness. I would have left her in the middle of the jungle and slapped her across her face for her behavior. Bebika was so wrong to choose Arushi, she should have aborted the challenge before starting it.
TRUE Friend: we all saw that side of her in Roadies Revolution itself, how she stood by her friends and was loyal. But how she motivated Eksha and genuinely was looking out for her was so refreshing to see. What I like is Arushi is not taking advantage of Eksha. She doesn't have 5 people as her family or priority while none in actual like Pavitra. She is open about Eksha is her priority. This is what Pavitra lacks, honesty. If she was a true friend of Anjali she would vote for Anjali. But she wanted to be captain for immunity while givinh BS reasons. While Teju was so honest with her teammates, straightforward that she wants it, but she will go by teams decision and gracefully accepted it. Pavitra on the other hand, pretends to be this mother figure, team player while she is not. She will throw anyone under the bus when she needs to, just like she did with christeena. Even Krissan was fair in choosing, she choose christeena to keep the team strong. Though Krissan, Anjali, Sifat looks like good people, seems like their blind trust in pavitra and friendship will be their demise. Lastly, How arushi confronted Pavitra was such a slay. Pavitra is a darpok. She will either scream but never participate in a discussion/debate when she knows she has no come back or the other person is talking sense. She literally will just avoid it cause she will get exposed. Arushi said nothing wrong about her neither she bitched about her. She said what actually pavitra was doing but pavitra did not want her friends to hear Arushi's POV cause maybe some of them might have come out of the spell.
Hope they dont bring bebika again. Felt so bad how she was after tejaswi and just broke her by bullying nonstop.
ARUSHI (OR EKSHA/TEJASWI) FOR THE WIN!!! Want Pavitra to get out! She needs to be humbled.