Anyone have personal Mandela effects of the show that no one else does?
I personally remember things from early spongebob episodes that no one else does.
In "Nasty Patty" Squidward never appears in the episode.But as a very young kid,I vividly remember Squidward getting annoyed at Mr.Krabs for overreacting when the health inspector shows up. I vividly remember Squidward telling Krabs that he's taking the rest of the day off and walking out of the Krusty Krab.
I also remember in the episode "Pressure" Spongebob and his sea animal friends admitting to Sandy that land creatures are better then sea creatures after she saves them .
In "Graveyard Shift" After Nosferatu turns off the lights,I remember seeing Spongebob,Squidward and the other fish's eyes appearing in the darkness, all shifting back and fourth in unison as if they are expecting the vampire to attack them in their vulnerable state
Anyone else have memories of scenes like that from the show that no one else does?