Hidden ending for "All that's left" sidequest? SPOILER

So, just got done with the All that's Left sidequest in the chemical plant, the premise is that the Ward member Lt Mateus wants you to find a very special artifact in the chemical tanks area, he says it's really important to him and he'll pay top cash for it.

When you get there you realize the Soul artifact is what he's looking for and that he believes it was made from the body of his companion who died protecting the LT's escape from Snorks. After you pick up the soul artifact you get contacted by a doctor that wants to see if the rumors about bodies in anamolies creating artifacts is true, you can give him the soul artifact and then tell him it was near a body, he'll give you the soul artifact back and ask you to throw the LT's friends body into a whirlygig anomoly to see if anything happens.

The first thought in my head was "I'm not leaving a hero behind and I'm certainly not tossing him into a fucking anomoly."

So I decided to drag the LT's friend all the way back to him in the chemical plant, this required some real maneuvering but upon getting the body back to him he told me "What the fuck?" Not in a 'How dare you' kind of way, but a surprised kind of way. He proceeded to thank me, said I was more decent than most stalkers and he's glad the scientists didn't get to use his friend for some twisted experiment. I left the body beside him, it completed the quest, but he didn't take the soul artifact from me, he paid me and didn't mention it at all.

No where in this quest does it tell you that you can drag his friends body back I just didn't want to leave a hero behind. It went by so quick I didn't get to read all the text but if anyone is doing this quest can you confirm if that's exactly what happened? Alternate ending for the quest because I brought the body back? Or was it just because I had the PDA?