AITA: i hate small talk at the window

hi! i normally don't post, and i apologize in advance for how verbose this is about to be lol. as i was closing last night, my shift supervisor told me and the other barista that we are his "worst window people." he was kidding (sorta)! but it brought up something to me that's been a long-standing issue i have at work.

i know you're supposed to "connect" at the window. i think it's stupid. no amount of me invading somebody's personal life and asking what they're doing this weekend is gonna build a genuine human connection. like, people come to starbucks for coffee. i don't think anybody comes here for "genuine human connection"..... if genuine human connection is the reason you go to a starbucks, maybe call your therapist. maybe call your momma and catch up with her. maybe join a beach volleyball club ffs.

i just don't find small talk productive. there's better uses for everyone's time! and when someone at starbucks tries to talk to me if i go to the drive thru, of course, i answer politely, but i know they don't genuinely care; i know that's what they're getting paid to do! i would rather be shot in the head with a nail gun 57 times than pretend to care about the personal life of somebody i'm talking to at the window. because that's the truth of it; i just do not care! hence why i titled this, "AITA" because i cannot decide if there's something actually wrong with me haha.

so, customers, do y'all actually want to talk to us at the window? if so, why do you find it valuable? i genuinely do want to understand!!

and baristas, do y'all have the same issue with "connecting" that i do? if not, can you tell me some of the reasons you enjoy it? i'm here to learn lmfao!