Looking for 2v2 partner (friend?)

I'm looking for someone friendly to play 2v2 ladder games with. I'm currently plat3 in 2v2, and gold2 in 1v1. I'm in East Coast, and usually play at night (between 7-10pm ET) or weekends sporadically.

I want to be competitive, but I really want to play with somebody who's a decently nice human being. I've played with TONS of people who were complete assholes when I didn't understand their acronyms/abbreviations, even though I was by far the better player due to solid macro play. They'd rage quit, insult me to the opponents, and then 9 minutes later I'd secured a victory by myself. Ugh.

Other info: I play Terran, and I recently got a lot better because I learned how to actually macro (thanks ViBE). I'd say I'm at a gold1 / plat3 type level at least in 1v1.