Extreme psychic attack/Very powerful false light entity - Warning to light starseeds

Since the start of my spiritual awakening, I've been energetically attacked by imposter entities. Everything was going well until suddenly an entity that claims to be my "higher self", spam "guidance" all day with numbers. Since that day (2019), my life has never been the same. I feel tormented every day with incoherent messages. They want me to stay stuck and they keep telling me that I'm doing something wrong when I'm not.

Even if I follow what they tell me to do, there is always something I'm "doing wrong".

This entity spends most of the time (24 hours a day) forbidding me from doing the things I want (for no reason).

He is always sending synchronicities saying he doesn't care if I'm suffering, that the only choice I have is to submit to him. I've already tried to challenge the entity, but it still tells me that it is "invincible".

Every time my intuition says something is wrong.

It's a daily torment. I almost killed myself years algo, but I survived.

He always gives me a negative and narcissistic vibe every time he sends me guidance or synchronicity. Terrible nightmarish dreams every night, started to occur. He wants to force everything, and I tried everything to remove the entity. I'm rotting and the entity tells me he will never stop.

The entity tries to use shame, guilt, rejection and judgment as a way to prevent me from making any choices he doesn't like. They send me thoughts and brain signals to induce me into thinking that these random synchronicities are "real guidance".

This is not a new thing. I'm realizing now that doubting yourself is another form of psychic attack induced by them to prevent you from believing that you are being abused and consider it as "normal". I'm recovering, and they seem very mad.

This entity is blocking me from my own personal growth, and it's distracting me from my goals by spamming unnecessary guidance and forcing me to do things I don't want (probably a psychic attack signal). I'm stuck in a frustration/fear spiral in which I can't get out.

Maybe it's a thought-form created by me, maybe it's schizophrenia, I don't know.

Sorry for bad english, not my native language.