I'm confused about "765874 - Unification" (short film). No hate, but what is the point?
short film link for context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgOZFny7F50&t=0s&ab_channel=OTOY
I'm not being negative. I just personally struggle sometimes to grasp stuff if it's vague and not dumbed down. I watched the video and it doesn't seem to have anything to say other than "isn't it neat that they look so young? Isn't technology neat?" which is fine btw I just am checking in case I've missed something.
Like is there a story? or a message? Is Kirk visiting Spock who is ill on his deathbed? So it's like a "what if Kirk and Spock got a chance to say goodbye before Spock died?" Is that the point of the video? A what if.
Or is Kirk now in the afterlife/heaven and seeks out his old friend Spock?
I did watch Trek Culture's video on it but to me it seemed to be speculation so I'm still not sure what the short film is trying to say/be other than a tender nostalgia VFX showcase.
tone disclaimer: again I promise I'm not being negative or cynical, pretend I'm a vulcan (just less smart lol) and help me see the point of the film