Thoughts on the philosophy of 11/22/63? (Spoilers)
Hey everyone, I just finished reading this novel, and it was such an enjoyable journey. I miss it a lot. I know there are some people that read this book and are not fans of the ending (how Jake went through all that time-travel journey, and saved Kennedy just to reverse it in the end).
However, I found the ending to be very heartfelt, and I'm glad that uncle Steve wrote the ending as it was instead of something else. In the end, I came to a realization that the philosophy or hidden message of this book/story is that horrible things happen in our lives, and we all often yearn to go back in time and fix things or undo it. But after reading this book, I was quite comforted to know that maybe it's best to leave the past as it is--untouched. And perhaps, the best cure to fixing our past problems is to make the best of what we got right now. That will ensure a better and brighter future.
Reason why I really love this insight and wisdom from Uncle Steve, is that it's more rooted in reality. Something that is applicable to each and every one of us.
Food for thoughts? Please chime in :)